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Office to PDF 1.0

Office to PDF Office to PDF 1.0

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Office to PDF Editor's Review

'Office to PDF' is actually a suite of three distinct PDF converters: MS Excel to PDF, MS Word to PDF, and MS PowerPoint to PDF.

The program is available in English and German. The program is very easy-to-use, just like any other converter. First, you need to set the PDF output by selecting the title, author, security level, content settings, PDF version (compatibility), etc. Then you can choose to import properties from the original document. You can also choose to convert all the pages of a document or only the pages of your choice. All PDF output settings and import settings can be saved into a custom profile that can be used in the future.

Although there are three applications, one for DOC to PDF, one for PPT to PDF, and one for XLS to PDF, with the exception of the output, it's pretty much the same thing. I was very pleased with the output files for text, tables, and pictures. Pretty much everything I tried to convert came out flawlessly.

Pluses: The very nice thing is that you can convert directly any documents already opened in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, because 'Office to PDF' creates toolbar shortcuts in each program. You can also convert newly created documents that haven't been saved. You can ad image or text customizable watermarks to the output files. You can also use the Explorer context menu in order to convert Office files to PDFs.

Drawbacks / flaws: The program doesn't support batch conversions or the drag-and-drop function from Explorer.

In conclusion: The program does an excellent job, when it comes to converting documents.

version reviewed: 1.0

Office to PDF Publisher's Description

Create PDF documents in MS Office!
Office to PDF - a special tool to convert MS Office documents (.doc, .xls, .ppt) into PDF.
Office to PDF allows to convert the essential attributes of MS Office files (e.g. document information, links, table of contents etc.) into the corresponding properties of a pdf document.
A program wizard assists you to make...

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